The Great Conjunction

It’s been cloudy for days, and the forecast doesn’t show the skies clearing until some time next week. Of course, this is normal during highly anticipated astronomical events. Right!?!! So… who here was lucky enough to see the bright ‘Star’ (otherwise known as the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter) with their own eyes last night? Yay if you did!! As for me, at sunrise this morning I was able to find a way to see it, but more on that at the end of this post.

If you’ve been following my body of work (visual and written), you probably know by now that I’m a deep diver when it comes to personal growth and healing, much of which I’ve been able to process and accomplish through the creative process. Another most excellent tool I’ve found for this type of journey has been my daily journalling practice using a Tarot card as a prompt.

Most of the time what comes up speaks to things about myself that I need to work on, but lately what has been coming up has more to do with what’s going on in the outer world, including the Universe.

Yesterday I pulled a card regarding the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, and what it might mean for us. Add the fact that this event was happening on the Winter Solstice,  it seemed even more auspicious than it already was. I wrote a piece about it at M.Ixchel’s Healing Arts on Facebook, where I regularly share some of the more interesting cards and readings that come up.

Anyway, I shuffled my newest beauty of a deck while thinking about the Great Conjunction, pulled out a random card, and tah-dahhhh!!! Hello ACE OF SWORDS!!! Again!!! Ace of Swords also came up last week (from a different deck). Spirit can be persistent, LOL.

So let’s start with some keywords for the ACE of SWORDS:

  • New Beginnings
  • New Ideas
  • New Thoughts
  • New Ways of Thinking
  • New Ways of Seeing
  • New Downloads
  • Increased Mental Clarity
  • Divinely Guided Communication
  • Truth
  • Justice
  • Re-alignment

In a nutshell, the Great Conjunction is considered to be the final activation for the long awaited Age of Aquarius – yeah, the one we’ve been waiting for since the late 1960s – and the list of keywords (above) for the Ace of Swords pretty much says it all. (Guess what song was running through my head this morning, LOL.)

Whether we can feel it or not, our generation is living through a truly historical moment of cosmic proportions at the moment. And everything that is going on in the world – the pandemic, racial and economic disparities, the new virulent mutation of the virus, political polarizations and dysfunction, more lockdowns, etc. – all of it is playing a vital role in triggering a truly seismic shift in human consciousness, which is completely in alignment with the tenets of the Age of Aquarius. Of course there is HUGE resistance to it, with the status quo fighting tooth and nail to keep existing systems the way they are, but that always happens when change is imminent. Remember the Luddites? Well, something like that, only on a larger scale.

At this point if you’re not clear on what the Age of Aquarius stands for, this iconic song offers a simplified version of what it means.

So… as we all know, the transformation of human consciousness usually doesn’t happen overnight. It can be quite a lengthy process, but it’s different for everybody. The primary reason for the bumpy and ambiguous timeline is this – each of us is a Soul having very human experiences every single day of our lives. And some of those experiences can be really hard and really painful, and they absolutely do bog us down. A lot.

For those who are experiencing the process of transformation, there can be periods of discomfort, where unidentifiable rumblings are occurring at a subconscious level. We may feel tired, agitated, or out of sorts for no explicable reason. This always happens before whatever is percolating rises to the surface and enters fully into our consciousness.

It is a birthing of sorts – an emergence of newly understood Truths that are clear as day, and as bright as the Saturn and Jupiter ‘Star’ on the longest night of the year.

What kind of subconscious rumblings are we talking about? Typically they involve stuff like questioning the societal structures and hierarchies that create disparity, division, and disharmony on our planet. This includes reflecting upon our own place or role within those structures and hierarchies. What have we agreed to that is not in alignment with our Soul or the Universe? That sort of thing.

This is the type of foundational shift that the Great Conjunction in Aquarius is all about, and that’s why it’s so important. It can completely change our world view, and this is huge in terms of exponential growth at every level – mental, emotional, spiritual – ALL of it.

So let’s see what the ACE of SWORDS has to say about it…

The sword [of Truth and Justice] passes through the crown to connect with Source Energy (Universe, Spirit, Goddess, or God of your understanding). The crown is symbolic of our head, mind, and Crown Chakra (where the Light enters), and its indigo gem is symbolic of our Third Eye Chakra – the portal and seat of our inner-knowings regarding sacred Truths.

Note that the sword in the image is emitting energetic waves outward from it. This is literally what happens when we raise our own vibration through practices such as meditation, yoga, prayer, practicing gratitude, etc.. Our energy merges with, elevates, and affects the energies all around us. The more that everyone engages in elevating their own vibration, the more the energy will be amplified, thus benefitting the entire planet. It would be a mistake to underestimate the power of the collective to affect change.

The cards you see in the background (see above) are the Major Arcana Tarot cards associated with the Great Conjunction:  SATURN (World), JUPITER (Wheel of Fortune), and  AQUARIUS (Star). Their abbreviated story goes like this:  Attainment, integration, karmic re-alignment, and the cosmic reset button (World), together with change, turning point, and Universal Laws (Wheel) segues unequivocally toward healing, renewed hope, and divine guidance (Star).

And HOW will all of this will be manifested?  It will be through the message contained within the ACE OF SWORDS (see keywords above), i.e. the awakening stages of enlightenment within the collective. How beautiful is that!?!!!!!

Now is our moment to clear out old energies and upgrade to a new paradigm and worldview. This unfolding shift in consciousness and resulting correction (re-alignment) is the antidote to the course of destruction that humanity has been on for a very long time. What an exciting time to be alive!

Now… as promised, and given the overcast conditions this week, this is how I was able to locate and view the Great Conjunction at sunrise this morning. The images below were captured using the SkyView app on my iPhone. The red line demarcates the actual horizon. Isn’t technology amazing!

Sunrise this morning with Mercury kissing the Sun, and Venus up above.
And there they are, Jupiter sitting directly in front of Saturn!!!
Given that the sun was visible at sunrise, I was hoping that Saturn/Jupiter might be bright enough to see when they rose above the horizon at 10:03 a.m., but… clouds of course, LOL

Tarot Deck: Elemental Power Tarot by Melinda Lee Holm, illustrated by Rohan Daniel Eason

Author: Michelle LaRiviere

Michelle is a multidisciplinary artist, curator, writer, and teacher. She is also a Reiki Master and life coach, specializing in guided soul work. Her art has been exhibited nationally in Canada, as well as in Italy, the UK, and the United States. Her practice includes traditional as well as digital media.

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